Monday, July 28, 2014

Have Space Suit - Will Travel

"You see, I had this spacesuit. How it happened was this way:"

"Let's stick to the facts. I don't charge for world saving and don't do it to order; it just happens. I'm not sure I'd do it on purpose - with you in it."

“I needed a space suit the way a pig needs a pipe organ.” 

“Being a mother is an attitude, not

a biological relation.”

“We’re simply trying to survive—and the first principle of survival is not to worry about the impossible and concentrate on what’s possible.”

“Money problems can always be solved by a man not frightened by them. ”

“Dress yourself in heavy fishing waders, put on an overcoat and boxing gloves and a bucket over your head, then have somebody strap two sacks of cement across your shoulders and you will know what a space suit feels like under one gravity.” 

“Getting a problem analyzed is two-thirds of solving it.” 

“I wonder how harmless such people are? To what extent civilization is retarded by the laughing jackasses, the empty-minded belittlers?” 

I've heard all the usual Sweetness and Light that kids get pushed at them—how they should always forgive, how there’s some good in the worst of us, etc.But when I see a black widow, I step on it; I don’t plead with it to be a good little spider and please stop poisoning people.”

“Some people insist that 'mediocre' is better than 'best.' They delight in clipping wings because they themselves can't fly. They despise brains because they have none.” 

"The best things in history are accomplished by people who get 'tired of being shoved around.'"

"'good luck' follows careful preparation; 'bad luck' comes from sloppiness."

"Microwave circuitry is never easy. It takes precision machining and a slip of a tool can foul up the impedance and ruin a mathematically calculated resonance.  Well, I tried. Synthetic precision crystals are cheap from surplus houses and some transistors and other components I could vandalize from my own gear. And I made it work, after the fussiest pray-and-try-again I have ever done. But the consarned thing simply would not fit in my helmet. Call it a moral victory—I’ve never done better work. I finally bought one, precision made and embedded in plastic, from the same firm that sold me the crystal."

“Dr. Russell, I concede that Washington has an atrocious climate. But you will have air-conditioned offices.”“With clocks, no doubt. And secretaries. And soundproofing.”“Anything you want, doctor.”“The point is, Mr. Secretary, I don’t want them. This household has no clocks. Nor calendars. Once I had a large income and a larger ulcer; I now have a small income and no ulcer. I stay here.”“But the job needs you.”“The need is not mutual.”

"There is no such thing as luck; there is only adequate or inadequate preparation to cope with a statistical universe."

"Television leaves no external scars."

"Daddy says that, in a dilemma, it is helpful to change any variable, then reexamine the problem."

"We lived like that “Happy Family“ you sometimes see in traveling zoos: a lion caged with a lamb. It is a startling exhibit but the lamb has to be replaced frequently."

"When I don’t understand, I have an unbearable itch to know why.You're in bad shape when your emotions force you into acts which you know are foolish."

“Peewee!” I said sharply. “You're not listening.”“What were you doing talking,” she answered reasonably, “when I wasn’t listening?”

"The less respect an older person deserves the more certain he is to demand it from anyone younger."

“Die trying” is the proudest human thing."

"Hi yourself,' I answered, 'what are we doing here?"
"I'm surviving, I don't know about you."
"Surviving. Pushing my breath in and out. Conserving my strength. There's nothing else to do at the moment; they've got us locked in."

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