Saturday, August 2, 2014

Electrick Children

"I accelerate down a road I have not yet traversed. I travel beyond the red blocks of a home I cannot again call my home. In search of the father of my holy child. The man who sings on the cassette tape."

"I think god got me pregnant though

that blue tape."

"This is Rachel Angela McKnight. Born May 8th, 1996. 15 years old. A few weeks ago I experienced a miracle."

"...But then I felt something... a special kind of feeling that leads you to a specific direction... and then I found it..."

"Oh god if you're there. Get me the hell out of this. Make Clyde care. Just this once. Your's truly. Rachel Angela McKnight. 15."

"Have you guys noticed the beautiful women out here?"

Mr. Will: "You look ridiculous."
Rachel: "Thank you."

Clyde: "You know I don't like you right? Neither does Johnny."
Rachel: "Why would you say that?"
Clyde: "You're knocked up."
Rachel: "What... what?
Clyde: "You're pregnant! You're damaged goods."

"God. Am I close? How much further do I need to go?"

"You some kind of prairie girl or something?"

"She’s had an immaculate conception!  She’s carrying the Son of God.  That little fucker…"

"Fucking parents man..."

"I'm in the phone booth it's the one across the hall. If you don't answer I'll just ring it off the wall. I know he's there but I just had to call. Don't leave me hanging on the telephone. I heard your mother now she's going out the door. Did she go to work or just go to the store? All those these she said I told you to ignore. Oh why can't we talk again? Why can't we talk again?"

Rachel: "What should I do?"
Mr. Will: "I don't know."
Rachel: "Should I -should I go back?"
Mr. Will: "I don't know."
Rachel: I'll- I'll confess. On this tape. For the record."
Mr. Will: "They won't let me back now."
Rachel: "Do you want to go back?"
Mr. Will: "Yes... Do you?"

"We'll live by the sea."

"I know this baby is the son of god. Heaven inspired. It's meant to tell the world god's will. And god has made sure every step of the way has led me to do his will. I think.... Let's go back to the beginning. "

"Hello. Hello. Hello."

"Are you guys speaking Japanese?"

"Do we need to schedule an exorcism?"

"Will you tell me who you've sexed?"

Rachel: "We're.. married?"
Clyde: "Yeah... Just like that"
Rachel: "Yeah. Do we say I love you?"
Clyde: "No."
Rachel: "Maybe one day."
Clyde: "Yeah maybe."

"Girls like this. Can't be trusted."

"Why don't you just um.. marry me? As a backup, you know. In case we don't find this guy."

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