Saturday, February 28, 2015

Doctor Who: Season 7

"I'm not running away. But this is one corner of one country on one continent on one planet that's a corner of a galaxy that's a corner of a universe that is forever growing and shrinking and creating and growing and never remaining the same for a single millisecond, and there is so much—so much to see, Amy. Because it goes so fast. I'm not running away from things, I am running to them. Before they flare and fade forever." - The Doctor

"How much trouble,  Mr. Pond? Out of ten? Eleven." - The Doctor

"First there were the Daleks. And then there was a man who fought them. And then in time he died. There are a few, of course, who believe this man somehow survived and that one day he will return. For both our sakes, dearest Hannah, we must hope these stories are true." - Darla

"Run. Run you clever boy and remember." - Oswin

Amy: "What was that?"
The Doctor: "1938. We just bounced off it."

"Nothing. It's not one of those things you can fix like you fix your bow tie. Don't give me those big wet eyes, Raggedy Man. It's life. Just life, that's thing that goes on when you're not there." - Amy

The Daleks: "Identify yourself! Identify! Identify!"
The Doctor: "Well, it’s me! You know me! The Doctor! The Oncoming Storm? The Predator?"
Darla: "Titles are not meaningful in this context. Doctor who?"
Prime Minister of the Daleks: "Doctor who?"
The Daleks: "Doctor who?!"
The Doctor: "Oh, Oswin. Oh, you did it to them all! Oh, you beauty!"
The Daleks: "Doctor who?! DOC-TOR WHO?!"
The Doctor: "Fellas – you’re never going to stop asking."

 "I see keep out signs as suggestions more than actual orders. Like "dry clean only." - The Doctor

"Hello Ponds! Checking in. How are you? Not much to report. Surfed the Firefalls of Floradal 9. Not deliberately, just the easiest way out. Met Mata Hari at a Paris Hotel room. What an interesting woman. Laid down some backing vocals. I should be with you anyday now—literally any day. Helmic regulators playing up. Can't get the temporal steering right. Oh dear. I appear to have collided with Ancient Greece." - The Doctor

"Sir, please do not “noogie” me during combat prep!" - Strax

"Collapsing universe. You and me dead. Two minutes. No time — complete sentences. Abandon planet!" - The Doctor

"No. When a TARDIS is dying, sometimes the dimension dams start breaking down. They used to call it a size leak. All the bigger-on-the-inside starts leaking to the outside. It grows. When I say that's the TARDIS I don't mean it looks like the TARDIS, I mean it actually is the TARDIS. My TARDIS from the future. What else would they bury me in?" - The Doctor

"When I was a child, my favorite story was about a man who lived forever, but whose eyes were heavy with the weight of all he had seen. A man who fell from the stars."

The Whisper Men: "Tell the Doctor. Tell the Doctor. Tell the Doctor."
Clara: "Tell him what?"
The Great Intelligence: "His friends are lost forevermore. Unless he goes to Trenzalore."
River: "No, you can't say that. He can't go there. You know he can't. The Doctor can never go to Trenzalore!"

"She’s going to die if you don’t help me. Don’t get into a spaceship with a mad man. Didn’t anyone teach you that?" - The Doctor

Amy: "You look after him. And you be a good girl and you look after him."
The Doctor: "You are creating fixed time. I will never be able to see you again." 
Amy: "I'll be fine. I'll be with him."
The Doctor: "Amy. Please. Just come back into the TARDIS, Come along, Pond. Please."
Amy: "Raggedy Man, goodbye."

"Frightened people. Give me a Dalek any day." - The Doctor

Strax: "Sir, permission to express my opposition to your current apathy?"
The Doctor: "Permission granted."
Strax: "Sir, I am opposed to your current apathy."
The Doctor: "Thank you, Strax. And if I’m ever in need of advice from a psychotic potato dwarf, you’ll certainly be the first to know."

Clara: "So we're moving through actual time? So what's it made of, time? I mean if you can just roll right through it, it's got to be made of stuff. Like jam's made of strawberries. So what's it made of?"
The Doctor: "Well not strawberries, no. No no no. That would be unacceptable."

"Impossible girl. A mystery wrapped in an enigma squeezed into a skirt that's just a little bit too tight." - The Doctor

"When someone asks you if you want to be queen of the universe, you say yes." - Angie

The Doctor: "Ood! Yes! I was wondering where he'd got to. I thought he'd just gone for a walk in the TARDIS. Must have wandered off when I popped in the other night. If it was the other night. You know, I rescued him from the middle of the Androvax Conflict. I was taking him back to the Oodsphere. Anyway he's not being a nuisance, is he?"
Ood handing Rory his lunchbox: "Enjoy your workday experience."
Rory: "Doctor. Doctor— He, um, he seems to think that he's our butler."
The Doctor: "He's conditioned to serve! You know the best thing is, let him do just that. I'll come and pick him up tonight. Whenever tonight is. Oh no, gotta go. Power drain's threatening to cause the TARDIS to implode. Oh no, that's bad. Why are you doing that? No no no! Don't do that!"
Ood: "Your infusions. How else may I be of service?"
Rory: "I feel so guilty."
Amy: "Just eat your breakfast."

"Welcome to Webley's World of Wonders, children! Now presenting delights, delicacies and death." - Webley

"I can feel a TARDIS tantrum coming on." - The Doctor

Clara: "I feel exhausted. I feel..."
The Doctor: "We've had two days crammed into the space of one."
Clara: "Why would you say that?"
The Doctor: "I don't know. I say stuff. Ignore me. Do you feel safe?"
Clara: "Of course."
The Doctor: "Give me a number out of ten. Ten being "woo hoo". One being... "augh!""
Clara: "You're being weird."
The Doctor: "I need to know if you feel safe. I need to know you're not afraid."
Clara: "Of?"
The Doctor: "The future. Running away with a space man in a box. Anything can happen to you."
Clara: "That's what I'm counting on."

"I speak horse. His name is Susan and he want's you to respect his life choices."

 "It's the oldest story in the universe. This one or any other. Boy and girl fall in love, get separated by events--war, politics, accidents in time. She's thrown out of the hex or he's thrown into it. Since then they've been yearning for each other across time and space. Across dimensions. This isn't a ghost story, it's a love story." - The Doctor
"My distress call has not been answered. It will never be answered. My people are dead. They are dust. There is nothing left for me except my revenge." - Skaldak

The Doctor: "Hello?"
Clara: "Ah, hello. I can't find the internet."
The Doctor: "Sorry?"
Clara: "It's gone. The internet. Can't find it anywhere. Where is it?"
The Doctor: "The internet?"
Clara: "Yes, the internet. Why don't I have the internet?"
The Doctor: "It's 1207!"
Clara: "I've got half past three. Am I phoning a different time zone?"
The Doctor: "Yeah, you really sort of are."
Clara: "Will it show up on the bill?"
The Doctor: "Oh, I dread to think. Listen, where did you get this number?"
Clara: "The woman in the shop wrote it down. It's a help line, isn't it? She said it's the best help line out there. In the universe, she said."
The Doctor: "What woman? Who was she?"
Clara: "I don't know. The woman in the shop. So why isn't there internet? Shouldn't it just sort of... be there?"
The Doctor: "Look, listen, I'm not actually— This isn't... {he sighs} You have clicked on the WiFi button, haven't you?"

"The Doctor is acquired!" - Dalek

"Do you hear the Whisper Men? The Whisper Men are near.
If you hear the Whisper Men then turn away your ear.
Do not hear the Whisper Men, whatever else you do.
For once you've heard the Whisper Men they'll stop. And look at you."

Abraham: "I got a question. Is you an alien?"
The Doctor: "Well, um. Bit personal. It's all relative, isn't it? I mean, I think you're the aliens. But in 
this context, yes. Yes, I suppose I am."

"I just know I'm running. Sometimes it's like I've lived a thousand lives in a thousand places. I'm born, I live, I die. And always, there's the Doctor. Always I'm running to save the Doctor. Again and again and again. And he hardly ever hears me. But I've always been there. Right from the very beginning. Right from the day he started running." - Clara

The Doctor: "Hell of a chosen meeting place."
Darla: "They said I'd have to intrigue you."
The Doctor: "Skaro. The original planet of the Daleks. Look at the state of it. Who told you about 
Darla: "Does it matter?"
The Doctor: "Maybe not. But you're very well-informed."

"Day 363. The terror continues. Also, made another soufflé. Very nearly. Check defenses. They came again last night. Still always at night. Maybe they're vampires. Oh! And it's my mom's birthday. Happy Birthday, mum. I did make you a soufflé but it was too beautiful to live." - Oswin

Rory: "What's he doing?"
Amy: "He's chosen the most defendable area in the room, counted all the Daleks, counted all the exits, and now he's calculating the exact distance we're standing apart and starting to worry. Oo! And look at him frowning now. “Something's wrong with Amy and Rory and who's gonna fix it?" And he straightens his bow tie."

Oswin: "Hello. Are you real? Are you actually properly real?"
The Doctor: "Yeah, confirmed. Actually properly real."
Oswin: "Oswin Oswald. Junior Entertainment Manager, Starship Alaska. Current status: crashed and shipwrecked somewhere... not nice. Been here a year, rest of the crew missing. Provisions good, but keen to move on."
The Doctor: "A year? Are you okay? Are you under attack?"
Oswin: "Some local lifeforms. Been keeping them out."
The Doctor: "Do you know what those lifeforms are?"
Oswin: "I know a Dalek when I hear one, yeah."
The Doctor: "What have you been doing on your own against the Daleks for a year?"
Oswin: "Making soufflés?"
The Doctor: "SoufflĂ©s. Against the Daleks. He's amused, then: Where'd you get the milk?"

Oswin: "Hey there, Binky Boy."
Rory: "If it's a straight choice I prefer Nina."
Oswin: "Loving this. The nose and the chin. You two could fence."

"New York. The city of a million stories. Half of them are true, the other half just haven't happened yet. Statues, the man said. Living statues that moved in the dark."

Oswin: "Okay, you're safe for now. Pop your shirt off, quick as you like."
Rory: "Why?"
Oswin: "Does there have to be a reason?"

"Do you know the old Romany superstition, Clara? That the eye of a dead person retains an image of the last thing it sees. Nonsense, of course. Unless the chemical composition of the body has been massively corrupted." - The Doctor

Rory:" Amy, basic fact of our relationship is that I love you more than you love me. Which today is good news because it might just save both of our lives."
Amy: "How can you say that?"
Rory: "Two thousand years, waiting for you outside a box. Say this isn't true. And since you know it's true, give me your arm. Amy!" {she slaps him}
Amy: "Don't you dare say that to me. Don't you ever dare."
Rory: "Amy, you kicked me out!"
Amy: "You want kids, you have always wanted kids. Ever since you were a kid. And I can't have them!"
Rory: "I know."
Amy: "Whatever they did to me at Demon's Run, I can't ever give you children. I didn't kick you out. I gave you up."
Rory: "Baby, I don't—"
Amy: "So don't you dare talk to me about waiting outside a box because that is nothing, Rory, nothing! Compared to giving you up."

"Okay then. That's what I'll do. I'll tell you a story. Can you hear them? All these people who lived in terror of you and your judgment. All these people whose ancestors devoted themselves, sacrificed themselves to you. Can you hear them singing? Oh you like to think you're a god. But you're not a god. You're just a parasite. Eat now with jealousy and envy and longing for the lives of others. You feed on them. On the memory of love and loss and birth and death and joy and sorrow, so... so come on then. Take mine. Take my memories. But I hope you're got a big a big appetite. Because I've lived a long life. And I've seen a few things. I walked away from the last great Time War. I marked the passing of the Time Lords. I saw the birth of the universe and watched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained. No time, no space. Just me! I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a madman! And I watched universes freeze and creation burn! I have seen things you wouldn't believe! I have lost things you will never understand! And I know things, secrets that must never be told, knowledge that must never be spoken! Knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze! So come on then! Take it! Take it all, baby! Have it! You have it all!" - The Doctor

"What’s wrong with four seconds? You can do loads in four seconds. " - The Doctor 

The Doctor: "Oswin, I am so sorry. But you are a Dalek. The milk, Oswin. The milk and the eggs for the soufflĂ©. Where—where—did it all come from?"
Oswin: "Eggs..."
The Doctor: "It wasn't real. It was never real."
Oswin: "Eggs... ter... min... ate. Exterminate..."

Brian: "I'm not entirely sure what's going on."
Rory: "You know when Amy and I first got married and we went travelling?"
Brian: "To Thailand."
Rory: "More the entirety of space and time. In that police box."

"I like my possessions to have spirit. It means I can have fun breaking them. And I will break you in with immense pleasure. Thank you, Doctor." - Solomon

"Right then, Clara Oswald. Time to find out who you are." - The Doctor

"The woman twice dead. And her final message. He has withdrawn to this place of peace and solitude that he might divine her meaning. If he truly is mad then this is his madness." - The Abbott

Brian: "Sorry. Sorry. Are you saying dinosaurs are flying a spaceship?"
The Doctor: "Brian. Please. That would be ridiculous. They're probably just passengers. Did I mention missiles?"
Brian: "Missiles!"
The Doctor: "Didn't want to worry you. Anyway, six hours is a lifetime. Not literally a lifetime. That's what we're trying to avoid. And we're really clever. Oo! Let's see what we can find out."

"By the time the Gunslinger arrived, the people of Mercy were used to the strange and impossible. Where he came from didn't matter. As a man once said, "America is a land of second chances." Do I believe the story? I don't know. My great grandmother must have been a little girl when he arrived. But next time you're in Mercy, ask someone why they don't have a marshall or sheriff, or policeman there. "We got our own arrangement" they'll say. Then they'll smile like they got a secret. Like they got their own angel watching out for them Their very own angel who fell from the stars."

Clara: "And we can go anywhere?"
The Doctor: "Within reason. Well, I say "reason"—"
Clara: "So we could go backwards in time."
The Doctor: "And space, yes."
Clara: "And forwards in time."
The Doctor: "And space, totally. So where do you want to go. Eh? What do you want to see?"
Clara: "I don't know. Do you know when someone asks you what's your favorite book and straightaway you forget every single book that you've ever read?"
The Doctor: "No, totally not."
Clara: "Well that's a thing that... happens."
The Doctor: "And? Back to the question."
Clara: "Okay. So... so... so... So... I would like to see. I would like to see. What I would like to see is... Something awesome."

"The Kahler! I love the Kahler! They're one of the most ingenious races in the galaxy. Seriously, they could build a spaceship out of Tupperware and moss." - The Doctor

"Because this exact leaf had to grow in that exact way, in that exact place, so that precise wind could tear it from that precise branch, and make it fly into this exact face. At that exact moment. And if just one of those tiny little things never happened, I'd never have met you. Which makes this the most important leaf in human history." - Clara's Dad

Robot 1: "You're going straight on the naughty step!"
Brian: "What's the escape plan?"
The Doctor: "Why do we want to escape?"
Brian: "They have us hostage."
Rory: "They're taking us somewhere. We might learn from it."
The Doctor: "Ah... you see, so clever! I've missed you, Rory." {he tugs his ear}
Rory: "Don't do that."
Brian: "What if they kill us?"
The Doctor: "They wouldn't do that! {he turns to the robots} You're not gonna kill us, are you Rusty?
Robot 2: "Who are you calling Rusty?"
The Doctor: "Have you seen yourselves lately?"
Robot 2: "You try being on this ship for two millennia, see how your paintwork does!"
Robot 1: "Don't listen to him. He's just being mean 'cause we captured him."

"Everyone who isn't an American, drop your gun." - Issac

Rory: "You have to sign these. 
Amy: "And then we're not married?
Rory: "Just like magic."
Amy: "Can't chat. Working."
Rory: "Really? I thought you were just pouting at a camera."

Kahler-Jex: "We'd been at war for nine years. A war that had already decimated half of our planet. Our task was to bring peace. And we did. We built an army that routed the enemy and ended the war in less than a week. Do you want me to repent? To beg forgiveness for saving millions of lives?"
The Doctor: "And how many died screaming on the operating table before you had found your advantage!" 
Kahler-Jex: "War is another world. You cannot apply the politics of peace to what I did. To what any of us did."

Clara: "Doctor!"
The Doctor: "What?"
Clara: "I'm not happy."
The Doctor: "No."

"We all carry our prisons with us". Ha." - The Doctor

"Every time we flew away with the Doctor we'd just become part of our life. But he never stood still long enough to become part of ours. Except once. The Year of the Slow Invasion. The time the Doctor came to stay." - Amy

"Don't you see? Violence doesn't end violence. It extends it". - The Doctor

The Doctor: "I better get going. Things to do. Worlds to save. Swings to... swing on. Look. I know. You both have lives here. Beautiful, messy lives. That is what makes you so fabulously... human. You don't want to give them up. I understand."
Brian: "Actually, it's you they can't give up, Doctor. And I don't think they should. Go with him. Go save every world you can find. Who else has that chance? Life will still be here."
The Doctor: "You could come, Brian."
Brian: "Somebody's got to water the plants. Just bring them back safe."

"Only an idiot denies the evidence of their own eyes." - Queen Nefertiti 

Rory: "Hi. Ah, the cube in there. It just opened."
Amy: "The cube upstairs just spiked me and took my pulse!"
The Doctor: "Really? Mine fired laser bolts and now it's surfing the 'net!"
Brian: "You're never going to believe this. My cube just moved. It rattled."

"I’m the Doctor. I’m an alien from outer space. I’m a thousand years old, I’ve got two hearts, and I can’t fly a plane! Can you?" - The Doctor

The Doctor: "River. They were your parents. Sorry. I didn't even think."
River: "Doesn't matter."
The Doctor: "Course it matters."
River: "What matters is this, Doctor. Don't travel alone."
The Doctor: "Travel with me then."
River: "Whenever and wherever you want. But not all the time. One psychopath per TARDIS, don't you think?"

"Invasion of the Very Small Cubes. That's new." - The Doctor

The Doctor: "So where are we now, Doctor Song? How's prison."
River: "Oh I was pardoned ages ago. And it's Professor Song, to you."
The Doctor: "Pardoned?"
River: "Mm. Turns out the person I killed never existed in the first place. Apparently there's no 
record of him. It's almost as if someone's gone around deleting himself from every database in the universe."
The Doctor: "Hm. You said I got too big."
River: "And now no one's ever heard of you. Didn't you used to be somebody?"
The Doctor: "Weren't you the woman who killed the Doctor?"
River: "Doctor Who?"

"Be Brave." - The Doctor

Amy: "Rory. Do I have noticeable lines on my eyes now?"
The Doctor: "Yes."
Rory: "No."
Amy: "You didn't look."
Rory: "I noticed them earlier. Didn't notice them. I specifically remember not noticing them."
Amy: "You walk among fire pits, Centurion."

"Wake the Abbott. The bells of Saint John are ringing!" - Paul

Darla: "The Asylum. It occupies the entire planet. Right to the core."
The Doctor: "How many Daleks are down there?"
Darla: "A count has not been made. Millions certainly."
The Doctor: "All still alive?"
Darla: "It has to be assumed. The Asylum is fully-automated. Supervision is not required."
Amy: "Armed?"
Darla: "The Daleks are always armed."
Rory: "What color?... Sorry, there weren't any good questions left."

"Right! Don't be a monk! Monks are not cool." - The Doctor

Clara: "What did I miss?"
The Doctor: "Oh! Quite a lot, actually. Angie called. She's going to stay over at Nina's. Apparently that's all completely fine and you shouldn't worry like you always do, for God's sake, get off her back. Also, your dad phoned. Mainly about the government. He seems very cross with them. I've got several pages on that. I said I'd look into it. I fixed that rattling noise in the washing machine, indexed the kitchen cupboards, optimized the photosynthesis in the main flower bed and assembled the quadricycle."
Clara: "Assembled the what?"
The Doctor: "I found a disassembled quadricycle in the garage."
Clara: "I don't think you did."
The Doctor: "I invented the quadricycle."

Angie: "Was your mum deep on puddings?"
Clara: "She was a great woman."

Brian: "Of course. What sort of a man doesn't carry a trowel? Put it on your Christmas list."
Rory: "Dad, I'm thirty-one. I don't have a Christmas list anymore."
The Doctor: "I do!"

"Horse! You have failed in your mission. We are lost with no sign of Sweetville. Do you have any final words before your summary execution? The usual story. {he pulls out a gun}Fourth one this week. And I'm not even hungry." - Strax

Clara: "You were there. My mum's grave. You were watching. What were you doing there?"
The Doctor: "I don't know, I was just... making sure." 
Clara: "Of what?"
The Doctor: "You remind me of someone."
Clara: "Who?"
The Doctor: "Someone who died." 
Clara: "Well whoever she was, I'm not her. Okay? If you want me to travel with you that's fine. But as me. I'm not a bargain basement stand-in for someone else. I'm not going to compete with a ghost."
The Doctor: "No. {he gives her back her ring} They wanted you to have it."
Clara: "Who did?"
The Doctor: "Everyone. All the people you saved. You. No one else. Clara."

Clara: "Still hungry? Well I brought something for you. This. The most important leaf in human history. The most important leaf in human history. It's full of stories. Full of history. And full of a future that never got lived. Days that should have been and never were. Passed on to me. This leaf isn't just the past, it's a whole future that never happened. There are billions and millions of unlived days for every day we live—an infinity. All the days that never came. And these are all my mum's."
The Doctor: "Well? Come on then. Eat up. Are you full? I expect so. Because there's quite a difference isn't there? Between what was and what should have been. There's an awful lot of one but there's an infinity of the other. And infinity is too much. Even for your appetite."

Rory: "How long can we wait?"
Amy: "The rest of our lives."
Rory: "Agreed."

Clara: "Not Vegas then?"
The Doctor: "No! But this is much better!"
Clara: "A sinking submarine?"
The Doctor: "A sinking Soviet submarine."

The Doctor: "Where is the honor in condemning billions of innocents to death? Five thousand years ago Mars was the center of a vast empire, the jewel of this solar system. The people of Earth had only just begun to leave their caves. Five thousand years isn't such a long time. They're still just frightened children. Still primitive. Who are you to judge them?"
Skaldak: "I am Skaldak. This planet is forfeit under Martian law."
The Doctor: "Then teach them. Teach them, Grand Marshal. Show them another way. Show them there is honor in mercy. Is this how you want history to remember you? Grand Marshal Skaldak, destroyer of Earth. Because that's what you'll be if you send those missiles. Not a soldier. A murderer. Five billion lives extinguished, no chance for good byes. A world! A world snuffed out like a candle flame! Alright? Alright." Skaldak. "You leave me no choice. I'm a Time Lord, Skaldak! I know a thing or two about sonic technology myself."

Skaldak: "A threat? You threaten me, Doctor?"
The Doctor: "No. No, not you. All of us. I will blow this sub up before you can even reach that button, Grand Marshal. Blow us all to oblivion."
Skaldak: "You would sacrifice yourself?"
The Doctor: "In a heartbeat."
Skaldak: "Mutually assured destruction."
The Doctor: "Look into my eyes, Skaldak. Look into my eyes. Tell me you're capable of doing this. Hm? Can you do that? Dare you do that? Look into my eyes, Skaldak! Face to face!"
Skaldak: "Well, Doctor? Which of us shall blink first?"

"Smart bunch Time Lords. No dress sense. Dreadful hats."

"Oh. Oh, look! Oh lovely. The ACR-99821. Oh, bliss. Nice action on the toggle switches. You know I do love a toggle switch. Actually I like the word. "Toggle." Nice noun. Excellent verb." - The Doctor

The Doctor: "You coming?"
Clara: "What?"
The Doctor: "To find the ghost."
Clara: "Why would I want to do that?"
The Doctor: "Because you want to. Come on."
Clara: "Well I dispute that assertion."
The Doctor: "Eh? I'm giving you a face. Here. Can you see me? Look at my face."
Clara: "Fine. Dare me."
The Doctor: "I dare you. No takesy-backsies?"

Clara: "What's going on?"
The Doctor: "Oh. Haven't you heard, luv? There's trouble at mill. She's a lizard."
Jenny: "But Doctor. Clara's dead, isn't she?"
The Doctor: "It's complicated."

Madame Vastra
: "If our stratagem succeeds, Jenny will infiltrate deep into the black heart of this curious place.
Strax: "And how will she locate the Doctor?"
Madame Vastra: "To find him, she needs only ignore all Keep Out signs. Go through every
 locked door, and run towards any form of danger that presents itself."
Strax: "Business as usual then?"
Madame Vastra: "Business as usual."

Porridge: "Farewell, Cyberiad. You know it was good to get away. Good to be a person. It's good not to be lonely or Emperor of a thousand galaxies with everyone waiting for me to tell them what to do."
Artie: "Can't you run away again?"
Porridge: "They'll be keeping a close eye on me this time. That's what happens when you're Emperor. Loneliest job in the universe."

"Hey. Do you mind if I tell you a story? One you might not have heard. All the elements in your body were forged many many millions of years ago in the heart of a faraway star that exploded and died. That explosion scattered those elements across the desolations of deep space. After so, so many millions of years, these elements came together to form new stars and new planets. And on and on it went. The elements came together and burst apart, forming shoes and ships and sealing wax and cabbages and kings. Until, eventually, they came together to make you. You are unique in the universe. There is only one Merry Galel. And there will never be another. Getting rid of that existence isn't a sacrifice, it's a waste!" - The Doctor

The Doctor: “New York growled at my window. But I was ready for it. My stocking seams were straight. My lipstick was combat-ready and I was packing cleavage that could fell an ox at twenty feet.”
Amy: "Doctor, you're doing it again."
The Doctor: "I'm reading!"
Amy: "Out loud. Please could you not."

The Doctor: "How can you hack into everything? It should be impossible. You're in a crashed ship!"
Oswin: "Long story. Is there a word for total screaming genius that sounds modest and a tiny bit sexy?"
The Doctor: "Doctor. You call me the Doctor."
Oswin: "See what you did there."

"I don't know where I am. It's like I'm breaking into a million pieces and there is only one thing I remember: I have to save the Doctor. He always looks different. I always know it's him. Sometimes I think I'm everywhere at once, running every second just to find him. Just to save him. But he never hears me. Almost never. I blew into this world on a leaf. I'm still blowing. I don't think I'll ever land. I'm Clara Oswald. I'm the impossible girl. I was born to save the Doctor." - Clara

Vastra: "The Doctor does not discuss his secrets with anyone, my dear. If you're still entertaining the idea that you're an exception to this rule, ask yourself one question. What is his name?"
River: "Well I know it."
Clara: "What, you know his name? He told you?"
River: "I made him."
Clara: "How?"
River: "It took awhile."
Clara: "So, So you're a friend of his then."
River: "A little more than a friend, a long time ago."
Vastra: "He still never contacted you?"
River: "He doesn't like endings."

The Doctor bursting in: "Stop everything!"
Rory: "What's going on?"
Amy: "Doctor, bedroom!"
Rory: "We have a rule about the bedroom."
The Doctor: "No one on this planet is safe right now. We have to solve this before it's too late. Get your clothes on. If we move fast enough we at least stand a chance and you have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"
Both: "No."
The Doctor: "Oh, helmic regulator again! Too early! Wrong point! As you were!"
Amy: "Doctor, you can't just go like that. What's happening? Don't we need to know?"
The Doctor: "Popped up in the wrong order. Easy mistake to make. Nothing to alarm you. Forget I was ever here. I'll be back soon enough I would have thought. Everything's fine. Pretty much. Don't worry about the future. "The future's really... safe. ... Really really safe. Sleep well." {he leaves}
Rory: "I really hate it when he does that."

The Doctor: "Ah, hello. Can someone untie me, please?"
Clara: "Do you think I’m pretty?"
The Doctor: "No. You’re too short and bossy, and your nose is all funny."
Clara: "Good enough."

"Afterword by Amelia Williams: Hello, old friend. And here we are. You and me, on the last page. By the time you read these words, Rory and I will be long gone. So know that we lived well and were very happy. And above all else, know that we will love you always. Sometimes I do worry about you though. I think once we're gone you won't be coming back here for awhile. And you might be alone. Which you should never be. Don't be alone, Doctor. And do one more thing for me. There's a little girl waiting in a garden. She's going to wait a long while, so she's going to need a lot of hope. Go to her. Tell her a story. Tell her that if she's patient, the days are coming that she'll never forget. Tell her she'll go to see and fight pirates. She'll fall in love with a man who'll wait two thousand years to keep her safe. Tell her she'll give hope to the greatest painter who ever lived. And save a whale in outer space. Tell her, this is the story of Amelia Pond. And this is how it ends."

Cyber-Planner: "Hey, Clara! There you are. Now, a quick rundown. What’s our weapons strength?"
Clara: "One big gun, five of those hand pulsar units, and a shiny black bomb that implodes the planet."
Cyber-Planner: "Yeah, yeah. That one. Now, tell me, does it happen, possibly, to 
have a sort-of remote triggery thing?...Brilliant. Pass it here."
Clara: "No."
Cyber-Planner: "Why not?"
Clara: "In case you’re not you right now. Or even if you are – just in case."
Cyber-Planner: "Oh, don’t worry. The Cyber-Planner’s hibernating between moves right now. Shh."
Clara: "Prove you’re you. Tell me something only the Doctor knows."
Cyber-Planner: "Clara… I suppose… I’m the only one who knows how I… feel about you right now. How funny you are… so funny… and pretty. [She smiles] And the truth is I’m starting to like you in a way that is more than just… [He leans in to kiss her. She slaps him]."
The Doctor: "Ow! Ow, ow! Yes! It’s me! That really hurt!"

The Doctor: "Ok, as soon as the force-field is down, the Daleks will attack. If it gets too explody-wody in here, you go without me, ok?"
Rory: "And leave you to die?"
The Doctor: "Oh, don’t worry about me. You’re the one beaming up to a Dalek ship to get exterminated."
Rory: "Fair point. Love this plan."

The Doctor: "You don’t have any vegetable matter in your trousers do you Brian?"
Brian: "Only my balls."
The Doctor: "I’m sorry?"
Brian: "Golf balls. Grassy residue."

"I always wanted to visit the Statue of Liberty…I guess she got impatient." - Rory

: "What now, Madame? We could lay mimetic cluster vines."
Madame Vastra: "Strax--"
Strax: "Or dig trenches and fill them with acid!"
Madame Vastra: "Strax! You're over excited. Have you been eating Miss Jenny's sherbet fancies again?"
Strax: "No."
Madame Vastra: "Go outside and wait for me until I call for you."
Strax: "But Madame, I--"
Madame Vastra: Go."
Strax: "Hmph. I'm gonna go and play with my grenades."

"I’m always serious. With days off." - The Doctor

"Trenzalore. I've heard the name of course. Dorium mentioned it. A few others. Always suspected what it was, never wanted to find out myself. River would know though. River always knew." - The Doctor

Clara: "Okay, what is Trenzalore? Is that your big secret?"
The Doctor: "No."
Clara: "Okay, what then?" 
The Doctor: "When you are a time traveller there is one place you must never go. One place in all of space and time you must never, ever find yourself." 
Clara: "Where?"
The Doctor: "You didn't listen, did you? You lot never do! That's the problem. "The Doctor has a secret he will take to the grave. It is discovered." He wasn't talking about my secret. No no no, that's not what's been found. He was talking about my grave. Trenzalore is where I'm buried."

Clara: "Well how about that? I'm Soufflé Girl after all."
The Doctor: "No. Please."
Clara: "If this works get out of here as fast as you can. And spare me a thought now and then."
The Doctor: "No. Clara!"
Clara: "In fact, you know what? Run. Run, you clever boy. And remember me."

"Spoilers. Goodbye Sweetie." - River 

Rory: "There are soldiers all over my house and I'm in my pants."
Amy: "My whole life I've dreamed of saying that, and I miss it by being someone else."

"I don't know where I am. I don't know where I'm going or where I've been. I was born to save the Doctor. But the Doctor is safe now. I'm the Impossible Girl, and my story is done." - Clara

Clara: "Who is he?"
The Doctor: "He's me. There's only me here, that's the point. Now let's get back." 
Clara: "But I never saw that one. I saw all of you. Eleven faces. All of them you."
The Doctor: "I said he was me. I never said he was the Doctor."
Clara: "But I don't understand."
The Doctor: "My name, my real name, that is not the point. The name I chose is the Doctor. The name you choose, it's like, it's like a promise you make. He's the one who broke the promise.{Clara collapses} Clara? Clara! He is my secret."

The Old Man: "What I did, I did without choice."
The Doctor: "I know."
The Old Man: "In the name of peace and sanity."
The Doctor: "But not in the name of the Doctor."

Introducing John Hurt 
as The Doctor

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